Following the June 1 announcement from Justice John Hutchison that he would retire from serving on the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals at the end of his term in December 2024, Berkeley Springs attorney and longtime legislator Charles Trump IV has said he will seek Hutchison’s seat as a judge on the state’s highest court.
Trump, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the West Virginia Senate, has announced that he intends to be a candidate in 2024 for the open seat on the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia.
He currently represents Morgan, Hampshire and part of Berkeley counties as a Republican State Senator for West Virginia’s 15th senatorial district.
“Like many others, I was surprised by the announcement by Justice John Hutchison that he will not be seeking re-election in 2024,” Trump said. “I was not contemplating a candidacy against Justice Hutchison, but his decision not to run next year has caused many to encourage me to consider running for the open seat, and I intend to do so.”
Trump has been a practicing attorney in West Virginia for 38 years.
His private law firm has offices in Berkeley Springs and Martinsburg, and has served the Eastern Panhandle for more than 80 years as a family-run operation.
Trump served one term as Prosecuting Attorney for Morgan County (1989-1992), after which he was elected to the West Virginia House of Delegates, where he served for 14 years (1993-2006), including four years as the Minority Whip followed by eight years as the Minority Leader. In 2014, Trump was elected to the West Virginia Senate, where he has served as the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee for the last nine sessions.
“I love this State and its people. The law has been the focus of my entire professional life, and I think I could make a contribution to the important work of the Supreme Court of Appeals,” Trump said.