
Want to run for office in Paw Paw? Filing period is now open

The candidate filing period for the 2023 Town of Paw Paw Municipal Election opened Tuesday, April 4 and continues through Tuesday, April 18.

Paw Paw voters will choose a mayor and five council members on June 6.

Those seeking the office of mayor will be running for a four-year term. Town council members serve for a two-year term.

Residents who have lived inside the town limits of Paw Paw for more than 60 days are eligible to run for one of the municipal seats. Candidates must be over the age of 18, a registered voter, and cannot have been convicted of treason or a felony, says the town charter.

For more information, contact Town Recorder Jeff Palmer via Town Hall at (304) 947-7476. Candidate filing papers can be picked up at Town Hall during regular business hours.


