by Kate Evans

Pleasant View Elementary’ s Growing Roadrunners After-school Program (GRASP) has nearly doubled in student participation since it started back in October. It began with 23 kindergarten through fifth graders. They now have 43 students enrolled, said Pleasant View Principal Summer McClintock.

photos by Summer McClintock
The GRASP program is still taking place twice a week from 3:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.. On Tuesdays after- school staff uses the Math for Love program and continues doing math challenges and games with kids, McClintock said.
On Wednesdays they work after-school with students on the Lit League English language arts program, which is an interactive literacy experience designed for after- school programs, she said.
“Students participate in book-related activities such as read-aloud, group discus- sions, independent reading, writing activities and games,” McClintock said.
“Lessons are framed around seven key strengths that build social-emotional learning skills and prepare children for challenges that they will encounter in their educational lives, careers, and communities. Those strengths are curiosity, hope, friendship, belonging, kindness, courage, and confidence,” McClintock added.
The after-school program starts with a snack and a physical activity, then they do the lessons, McClintock said. Special events that are fun and engaging occur periodically during the school year like STEM activities with Carmen Winiarski from the Morgan County Extension Office and robotics with WV Morgan County Extension Agent Cindy Smalley. They also are hoping to bring in more special guests.
The school plans a family event for GRASP students and their families in the spring to celebrate the confidence students have built as they are learning, McClintock said.
“Students thrive when they have confidence in their ability to learn and that is what I feel GRASP is providing for our Roadrunners,” McClintock noted.
Parents are very excited about Pleasant View Elementary having an after-school program, McClintock noted.