by Trish Rudder
A public forum on West Virginia’s budget surplus, hosted by a non-profit economic analysis group, is scheduled for Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Morgan County Courthouse Commission Room.
At the December 6 Bath Town Council meeting, Streetscape committee member, Rebecca MacLeod asked the council members to attend the upcoming meeting, hosted by the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy.
She said public and government representatives are invited to discuss the state budget surplus and how it is used.
In a press release, MacLeod said better communication is needed between the community and the legislators, “so we can help them represent our local needs and develop policy for potential solutions and opportunities.”
Elected officials decide how the money is allocated.
“If your taxes are used to improve your community and state, that’s good. But if the money is funneled to large corporations or other financial accounts, as tax and business ‘incentives,’ that’s not so good,” MacLeod said.
She said that residents have been living with flat state budget for years. As costs rise, that means many state jobs go unfilled and responsibilities shift to the county level.
The WV Center on Budget and Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan research and analysis organization whose mission is to advance the well-being of West Virginia communities. Its Board of Directors is made up of university professors and leaders of state organizations. This presentation is to help the public become informed about state government to advance shared prosperity and the well-being of all West Virginians, she said.