
Meet the Candidates this Sunday

The Morgan Messenger and American Legion Post 60 will again co-host a Meet the Candidates forum this Sunday, April 24 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Legion hall in Berkeley Springs. The hall is located at 527 North Washington Street.

All candidates who filed for local office and are on the May 10 primary ballot were invited to talk about their experience and platform during the event. Candidates will be given several minutes each to talk about issues of concern in their races.

The public will have an opportunity to submit questions they would like candidates to answer. Moderator and Messenger editor Kate Shunney will draw several questions to pose to candidates.

Confirmed speakers include candidates running for Morgan County Board of Education, Morgan County Commission, Morgan County Clerk and Morgan County Circuit Clerk.

Most legislative candidates will be in interim meetings of the West Virginia Legislature on Sunday, so are unable to attend the forum.

Pete Gordon, member of the Board of Education, will also talk about and take questions regarding the Special School Levy, which is up for renewal on the May 10 ballot.

Following speeches, voters will have a chance to talk one-on-one with the candidates, pick up campaign material and socialize. Light refreshments will be served.

This is a non-partisan event open to all.

