by Kate Shunney
Citing a need for an in-house Information Technology (IT) director to manage the county’s networks, data security and computer interfaces, the Morgan County Commission sought out candidates a new position in the courthouse.

Bryan Garrett.
Last Wednesday, December 15, County Commissioners voted 3-0 to hire Brian Garrett as Morgan County government’s IT Director at an annual salary of $58,000 plus benefits, effective December 16. County Administrator Stefanie Allemong made the hiring recommendation and said she had interviewed two individuals out of four who applied for the job. Garrett has worked in IT for a college for around 17 years, Allemong said.
In other courthouse employment business, commissioners raised the starting pay for an Administrative Assistant position for the WVU Extension office from $14 per hour to $15 per hour at the request of Extension Agent Cindy Smalley. Smalley said she has been without an assistant for most of 2021 since the retirement of Susan Waugh, and has had trouble attracting qualified applicants who would consider the job at the current pay level.
Commissioners also approved the hire of Charity Sullivan as Chief Deputy for the County Clerk’s office to be in charge of payroll at a pay of $16.48 per hour. Sullivan moves into the job from a different position in the clerk’s office. Clerk Kim Nickles will also hire Erin Mowery as a deputy clerk at a pay rate of $12 per hour.
In response to a request from the Sheriff’s Department for additional overtime pay for the remainder of the fiscal year, commissioners recommended that Sheriff Bohrer move funds from his salary line item into overtime pay to cover added hours worked by officers covering those off for COVID reasons, military deployment or injuries. So far since July, the Sheriff’s Department has paid out $30,000 in overtime – the full amount they had budgeted for the entire fiscal year.