
Contractors briefed about Train Depot interior work

by Trish Rudder

Four contractors attended the pre-bid meeting recently at the Berkeley Springs Train Depot.

Town of Bath Recorder, Susan Webster, who chairs the Depot committee, opened the building on Thursday, February 17 to allow the prospective contractor view the interior work to be done.

The contractors took pictures of the interior’s several rooms that will be renovated, including the public bathroom.

The depot project interior was designed by The Mills Group and will be led by Jim King, the project architect with an office in Shepherdstown.

The depot bathroom will need renovations to become unisex and the doors will need to be widened to meet ADA requirements.

King said the contractors’ bids must be received at the Town of Bath office by 2 p.m. on March 3.

King said the interior work is an 80-day project and it is under the jurisdiction of the WV DOH.

The hazmat work was recently completed and needed to be done before going forward with renovations. Webster said the work was done by Safeco Environmental and inspected.

Webster told the contractors that the Depot will be a trailhead for the North Berkeley Rail Trail and is expected to be used by the public and open to the public as much as possible.

She said the building could be used for meetings and a destination for visitors since the town’s main industry is tourism.




