Berkeley Springs’ VFW Risinger-Stotler Post 4019 donated $2,000 to the Hospice of the Panhandle on Thursday, September 18.
The veterans’ group has been a longtime donor to the Hospice organization. The VFW donated $2,500 in 2019 to their programs.
“We are grateful for their support,” said Maria Lorensen, development director from Hospice of the Panhandle.
Lorensen said 25 percent of Hospice patients are veterans, and the group works very closely with the VA Center. The VFW donation will continue to help with equipment and personal protective equipment needed to keep families, patients and staff safe during the current pandemic.

Pictured, from left, are Maria Lorensen, development director from Hospice of the Panhandle; Linda Snidemiller, VFW post 4019 auxiliary president; Bob Affeldt, trustee; and Darrin Koziel, senior vice commander.