
Vaccine registration this weekend, shots later this month

by Geoff Fox

Registration Assistance for Hancock residents hoping to get their first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine will take place this Saturday, March 20, starting at 9 a.m. at the Hancock Town Hall/Hancock Works! located at 126 West High Street.

This is a registration event only. Town residents will not get their vaccine shot until they are registered.

Only residents of Maryland are eligible to register at this time.

As of press time, the Washington County Health Department plans to run a vaccination event in Hancock at the end of March.

The Washington County Health Department will be coming to Hancock to administer vaccines for Washington County, Maryland, residents age 65 and older who are registered in the Health Department system.

The Health Department system requires a dual registration system for both the first injection of the vaccine and the second.

Organizers said it is more complicated than the Meritus registration.

Residents who would like a Health Department injection and have already registered through the Meritus system must re-register with the Health Department, organizers of Saturday’s event have said.

Masking and social distancing are required to participate in registration assistance.

At this time, vaccinations for Hancock area residents are scheduled for Tuesday, March 30, and Wednesday, March 31 in Hancock.

