Hancock town officials will be holding their monthly town meeting tonight, Wednesday, March 10, 7 p.m. in Kirkwood Park.
Prior to the meeting, Josh McCusker will be sworn in as the town’s new councilman.
Town officials will be heading into a closed session prior to the 7 p.m. start of the meeting.
There will be presentation and announcements regarding the town election and an update on Hancock High School from Councilman Tim Boyer and Amy Gillespie.
Officials will be hearing a ballot challenge where those wishing to challenge the ballot for the Town election or defend the ballot will be permitted to speak after signing up. Officials reserve the right to limit testimony to five minutes per individual.
There will also be reports from departments and committees such as, police, parks, and others.
Town Manager Joe Gilbert will give updates on projects and new business matters.
Under new business, officials will discuss a Harvest DCP Operating Agreement approval, a resolution approving expenditure for RK&K Engineering services for wastewater system, and a resolution urging Washington County to amend County water and sewer plan.
There will also be a chance for citizens to address town officials during citizen’s comments. This portion of the meeting is not a question and answer session and the council will make attempts to address simple issues, but more complex issues will be addressed after further deliberation.
During citizen’s comments, citizens will be limited to five minutes per individual and the mayor reserves the right to reduce this time if deemed necessary to conduct business of the council.
The mayor and council endeavor is to make all town meetings accessible to all citizens, and should the need for assistance arise, contact Town Hall at 301-678-5622.