Investigators from the Maryland State Police Computer Crimes Unit raise are working to raise awareness of how parents and children can do more to protect themselves from potential dangers on the internet.
The warnings come in conjunction with an effort to raise awareness of emerging online issues as people of all ages surround themselves with a myriad of digital devices.
Consider the following:
–One in five children who use the Internet have been sexually solicited.
–Nearly 60% of teenagers have received an email or instant message from a stranger (half have replied)
–The average age for first exposure to pornography online is 11 years old.
In 2018, tech companies reported more than 45 million online photos and videos of children being sexually abused, double the amount from the year before.
Also consider the following from a 2018 study in JAMA Pediatrics regarding children ages 12-17:
–1 in 7 (or 14.8%) had sent sexts
–1 in 4 (27.4%) have received them
–There was no significant difference between males and females.
Safety on the internet includes the use of any device that has access to online activity.
Investigators from the Maryland State Police Computer Crimes Unit remind all ages to be vigilant as it relates to internet safety. Children and senior citizens are often the target populations for online criminal activity.
Parents are encouraged to monitor their children’s use of all digital devices and senior citizens are urged to use the internet with caution, especially when asked to furnish personal information. Digital devices include laptops, tablets, desktop computers and ‘smart’ phones.
Internet Safety Tips for Parents:
–Place computers in a common area of the house,
–Educate yourself about digital devices and the Internet
–Make reasonable rules and set screen time limits,
–Reinforce the guiding rule “Don’t talk to strangers.”
–Put accounts in your name and know your child’s passwords,
–Don’t let your children give out personal information online,
–Be aware of other digital devices your child may be using,
–Review the use histories or logs of your digital devices to see where your children have been online.
Complaints involving the exploitation of children should be filed with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) at or 1-800-THE-LOST.
Complaints of child exploitation may include harassment, cyberbullying, and child pornography.
Maryland State Police investigators in the Computer Crimes Unit work closely with NCMEC in the investigation of crimes involving child exploitation. If a child is believed to be in imminent danger, citizens are urged to contact their local police or call 9-1-1 immediately.
The Task Force’s primary mission continues to be to protect children from computer-facilitated sexual exploitation.
The Maryland State Police Computer Crimes Unit urges people of all ages to take into consideration the vulnerabilities associated with online activity. The Computer Crimes Section operates and administers the Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, which is comprised of police agencies statewide who work tirelessly to target offenders of child sexual exploitation.