by Kate Evans
Morgan County Schools Superintendent Erich May announced that, as of Monday, school days lost to a statewide work stoppage would start to be made up using days from spring break.
In a Monday afternoon e-mail to school staff, May said as of Monday, March 5, the school system had five weather-related school closures and eight work stoppage days so far this year.
The announcement that schools would be closed again Tuesday, March 6 for the ninth day of the work stoppage came early Monday evening.
School till June 15 for now
“In order to provide the 180 days of instruction currently required by law, students will be attending school until June 15 and faculty and staff will work until June 18. But now we’re also losing days of Spring Break,” he said in his e-mail to staff.
When planning the school calendar for this year, the calendar committee decided to reschedule days beyond June 15 to the week of Spring Break, May said.
This Monday’s lost school day will be made up on Friday, April 6, the Friday of spring break. Yesterday’s school day will be made up on Thursday, April 5. If schools are closed again on Wednesday, March 7, that day would be made up on Wednesday, April 4 and so on, May said.
If schools are closed all week this week, all of spring break will be lost, he said. If schools remain closed next week, days will be tacked onto the school year, starting with June 19.
No change to graduation, prom
May stressed that the school system is keeping the dates for graduation and prom the same at both high schools as were previously scheduled. Some families have already had graduation announcements printed and that grandparents have already bought plane tickets for graduation, he said.
Testing dates
May said that there are no testing date changes for high school student SAT tests and Advanced Placement (AP) tests. The state could possibly change state testing dates for grades three-eight to a later date in the spring, but they haven’t heard any word yet.
May is preparing a “frequently asked questions” document for the county schools website that will explain some of parents’ questions regarding the school calendar and school closures.
He said the calendar committee anticipated potential closure situations for snow and inclement weather with their decision already made about school make-up days when a crisis comes.
“This is the will of the board to follow the plan that’s in place,” May said.