
Diversity listening tour to hold Hancock session March 17

Washington County’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee would like to welcome you to attend an informative Listening Tour. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, March 17 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Hancock Library, 231 Hancock Veterans Parkway.

This event is FREE to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend.

If you would like to work to accomplish any of the tasks listed below, be sure to attend!

–Gather and disseminate information from and about the County’s growing diverse ethnic population,

–Foster a climate of mutual respect among ethnic groups and people in the County by improving communication between the diverse groups,

–Bridge the cultural diversity of all ethnic groups in the County,

–Offer input to the Commissioners about County and Community issues,

–Advise the Commissioners on how County Government can be more inclusive of the diverse community,

–Coordinate and promote ethnic festivals, and,

–Nominate persons and organizations for awards to recognize them for their contributions to enhancing diversity.

For additional information, contact the Washington County Clerk’s Office at 240-313-2204.


