
Athletic boosters doing fundraiser for press box, other school projects

by Kate Evans
The Morgan County Schools athletics committee and buildings and grounds committee both met last month to consider sports and facilities projects.
Berkeley Springs High School’s athletic director Dave Mundey reported to the athletics committee that the school’s booster organization is working on a brick fundraiser to raise money for a new press box.
Community members can buy bricks with their names inscribed and the bricks will be used to build a new ticket booth and walkway.
High school administrators and maintenance met with James Rumsey technical Institute representatives regarding the press box and the blueprints are being finished for an accurate cost estimate.
Wrestling mats in the maintenance shed are now designated as surplus items.  Mundey said the two play clocks would cost $3,000.  The school is looking for sponsors.
The committee also discussed adding a concession stand for baseball/softball at Berkeley Springs High School. They felt it was something to work toward in the future, but for now the high school was asked to invite vendors.

Paw Paw Schools

Paw Paw Schools athletic director Jeff Palmer gave an update on winter sports.  Their booster’s organization is planning an awards ceremony.  The Paw Paw Schools concrete pad for shot and discus hasn’t been started.  Spring sports were also discussed.
There are enough students to field a baseball team.  Maintenance will construct a new dugout before the season starts since the old one blew over in a windstorm.  Sand was also donated to Paw Paw Schools for a track program.

Track repairs, other

Widmyer Elementary track repairs are waiting until warmer weather.  The materials to fix the track have to be applied when the temperature is above 50 degrees for 24 hours.  The track will be closed for 24 hours once the repairs have been made.
An update was provided on Warm Springs Middle School winter sports. There was a recognition night for girls’ basketball and each team member’s photo was displayed in the gym.
There has been no progress on the high school golf cart replacement. No repairs will be made to the football fence until after the press box has been repaired or replaced.
The athletics committee discussed sportsmanship and incident prevention.  Spectators were always encouraged to be respectful by Morgan County teams before each home game.
The committee also talked about the reclassification of sports and added travel costs and having a subcommittee address long-term coaches’ salaries as a summer project.

Buildings & grounds

The Morgan County Schools buildings and grounds committee considered various ideas for a Major Improvement Project. (MIP) They recommended that a Paw Paw Elementary power and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) upgrade be pursued as an MIP project.
Playground lighting that Paw Paw Schools requested may be included in the MIP project. The school is also getting a new dugout to replace the one blown over by a windstorm.
The tennis courts project is out for bid.  Site visits were held on February 19 and the bid opening was set for March 11.
Some 900 feet of tile in Berkeley Springs High School Building D needs replaced.  The committee decided to hold the project until this summer.
High school administrators were looking into partnering with a local church to address the auditorium needs and upgrade several components.  The church may contribute to upgrades to other areas like seating.  If funding becomes available a matching grant for the work could be possible.


The building and grounds committee was given updates on the water runoff project for Berkeley Springs High School Buildings C and D, the high school bathroom project.  The later project is in progress.
The committee also discussed the high school press box. Administration and James Rumsey representatives are meeting to talk about blueprints and prices.
Another request was expanding the school bus garage since the length of buses is getting longer.  Transportation Supervisor Tammy Painter was asked to work on the details and get prices.
Maintenance Director Russell Painter updated the committee on the county cleanup project.  Each school has made progress on the outside and school building walkthroughs will begin to address projects inside of every school.

