
The Editorial category is a roundup of links to editorials and columns from West Virginia newspapers.

Opinion: Last

By E. Gordon Gee, President, West Virginia University “Last” can be defined as a conclusion; a time when things are done. However, as I prepare for my final – or last – year at West Virginia University, I am not focused on concluding my tenure as a university president. Instead,[Read More…]

Opinion: Take the kids’ advice

It’s a darn good thing we have kids around to keep the right perspective on life. We grown-ups have a real knack for messing things up in the world, and need to be brought back to sense pretty regularly. Kids are good at that, if we listen to them. You’re[Read More…]

OPINION: Mountain Musings — The ties that bind us

by Kate Evans We’re celebrating the 130th anniversary of The Morgan Messenger and I was asked to share some thoughts on that. I’ve been writing for The Morgan Messenger for 23 years now, since the end of January, 2000, along with periodic stories for The Hancock News over the years.[Read More…]

West Virginia Day: Find rewards through service

By Charlotte Lane, chair West Virginia Public Service Commission In 1861, as the Civil War raged and brother fought against brother, the counties in the western part of Virginia began the process of seceding from the eastern part of the state.  Originally known as Kanawha, by the time President Lincoln[Read More…]

