Local Lifestyle

Bath Christmas Project names Angel Award recipients for 2024

by Trish Rudder

Ten individuals and three organizations were chosen to receive their Angel Award plaque from the Bath Christmas Project president Hunter Clark for their help in decorating the town this year.

At the December 3 Town of Bath council meeting, Clark announced the following people for their participation: Brenda Cain, Phil Creek, Breauna Farris, Alison Howard, JK Hunter, Donnie Mason, Jody Mason, Jen Shecter, Mike Shecter and Barbara Spielman.

The American Legion Post 60, Moose Lodge 1483 and Sunny Smiles were the organizations recognized this year.

The Bath Christmas Project, Inc. is a non-profit organization with all-volunteer members who work together each year to decorate the town for the holidays and hold fundraising events. The organization began in 2018.

The members are Clark; Denise Selby, Vice President/Secretary; Pam Litten, Treasurer; and members Jean Dick, Justin Spielman, Lydia Brimelow and Danielle Swope.

Clark said on Monday that the volunteers always work hard to make the Town of Bath “especially festive for the holidays each year.”

A list of the awards was presented to The Morgan Messenger in advance.

