
Bath council adds rental fee for commercial dumpsters

by Trish Rudder

The Bath Town Council passed a first reading on October 22 to charge rental fees on town-owned dumpsters of four and six cubic yards to commercial service users.

A second reading is scheduled for the next town meeting and, if passed, the ordinance will go into effect January 1, 2025.

Town of Bath Ordinance 2024-02-10, Addendum to the Bath Municipal Code, Chapter 62, Solid Waste, Article II, Refuse Collection and Disposal, states that Section 62-28 rates 5, 6 and 7 commercial service applies to any business, organization or service establishment which utilize dumpsters owned by the Town of Bath shall be assessed an additional fee of $75 per quarter for rental of a four cubic yard dumpster.

Bath Councilman Greg Schene said in an email last week that the quarterly rental fee is to create a funding source for the replacement of the dumpsters as needed.

“This will insure that dumpsters will not age to a point where they become a safety issue for our highly valued public works team, attract rodents or pose any other potential liability,” he said.

The town currently has 10 four-yard dumpsters in use. There are no six-yard dumpsters being used at this time, Schene said.

The ordinance adds that customers may purchase their own receptacles.

“Large, privately owned receptacles must conform to the equipment specifications currently in use by the Town of Bath Public Works Department.”

Schene added that the town council’s goal is to provide reliable refuse collection while maintaining strict budget controls: “This ordinance is a further step forward in our commitment to fiscal responsibility now and in the future for the residents of the Town of Bath.”

Current 4 and 6 cubic yard quarterly dumpster rates:

The current rates per quarter for four-yard dumpsters:

Rate 5:  The current quarterly cost for one pickup a week is $480 (40 bags)

Rate 6:  The current quarterly cost for two pickups a week is $960 (80 bags)

Rate 7: The current quarterly cost for three pickups a week is $1,440 (120 bags)

According to the ordinance, the annual rental fee if paid in full by July 31 will be $260 per year, which represents an annual discount of $40.

Section 62-28 rates 8, 9 and 10 commercial services applies to any business, organization or service establishment shall be assessed an additional fee of $150 per quarter for rental of a six cubic yard dumpster.

The current rates per quarter for six-yard dumpsters are:

Rate 8: The current quarterly cost for three pickups a week is $1,665 (180 bags)

Rate 9: The current quarterly cost for two pickups a week is $1,110 (120 bags)*

Rate 10: The current quarterly cost for three pickups a week is $1.665 (180 bags)*

*Businesses that generate food waste must have at least two pickups a week.

The ordinance states that the annual rental fee if paid in full by July 31 will be $500 per year which represents an annual discount of $100.

