by Trish Rudder
The Town of Bath received a request to consider adopting a nondiscrimination ordinance that would protect the LGBTQ community within the town limits, and since late August it has allowed the public to voice their opinions about adopting a nondiscrimination law.
At the Town of Bath Council meeting on October 8, some members of the audience spoke out about their personal experiences and wanted safe spaces for the LGBTQ community and no discrimination in the town.
Others said they were supportive of the LGBTQ community and want them to know they are welcome in their establishments.
“We fly the rainbow flag,” one owner said.
Councilman Greg Schene who chairs the town’s Ordinance Committee said he has spoken with other West Virginia municipalities that do not have ordinances but have letters of support for the LGBTQ community.
Schene said the committee will take a look at the proposed ordinance before deciding on a Letter of Support and it will be discussed in the committee meeting on Thursday, October 17 at 2 p.m. at town hall.
Town of Bath attorney, Richard Gay, wrote in letter in September to Schene that the town does not have the authority to adopt the ordinance.