Local Lifestyle

It’s Stacy: Healthy Eats — Squash Patties

Squash patties

My Great Grandmother, Arizona Henry, collected yellow crookneck squash from all her friends and neighbors to make squash patties. She was particular about getting the young tender-skinned squash. She told me getting them off the vine was important before they got bumps, tough skin, and big seeds. They just tasted better and were easier to cook. She always felt her produce before bringing it home. Grandma would say, “Stacy, look at the color of the squash and feel it to make sure it’s young and tender.” We eat with our eyes first, so pay attention. One tough-skinned squash can ruin your recipe.

Squash is low in calories and carbohydrates. They are high in fiber, which makes them a good weight-loss food. Squash includes vitamins C and A, magnesium, potassium, folate, and B6. So go out and collect some young squash for a healthier diet.


Squash Patties

4 cups shredded squash

1 tsp. onion powder

½ cup shredded cheese

¾ cup cornmeal

2 eggs, beaten

¼ cup oil

¼ tsp. red pepper flakes


  1. Drain all liquid from shredded squash.
  2. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Heat oil on medium heat.
  4. Drop 1 tbsp. mixture into skillet with hot oil, frying until golden brown.


Stacy Schultz is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, a former Morgan County Commissioner and is the author of “It’s Stacy’s Grandma ‘Zona’s recipes.” She has been in healthcare for 35 years at War Memorial Hospital.


