by Kate Evans
The Morgan County Schools building and grounds and athletics committees continue to meet and move projects along in various stages to completion.
Berkeley Springs High School
At the May 3 Morgan County Schools buildings and grounds committee meeting, Maintenance Director Jeromy Duelley reported that there was a need to replace the goalposts at Berkeley Springs High School, according to the meeting minutes. He presented committee members with a price quote and said that he’s working to get more quotes.
Duelley noted that a senior softball player had contacted CNB about a new scoreboard at the softball field. Duelley showed committee members a picture of what the scoreboard might look like. He said he’s working with the SignHere Company from Hagerstown that’s put in all of their signage for the past few years. The plan is to have the new scoreboard installed this summer.
Duelley said that the Berkeley Springs High School baseball batting cage has been completed. He updated the committee on the high school Building D roof replacement project and the football field press box.
The Building D roof replacement is a School Building Authority project and will begin June 5, Duelley said on Friday morning. The estimated completion date for the project is July 18.
The football field press box will have its outside replaced with metal, Duelley said. The inside shell is fine. The inside will be gutted and will also be replaced. The project is high priority and will also take place this summer.
Duelley and Tim Zeigler also briefed committee members on the progress of the Berkeley Springs High School storage buildings and the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) unit for the high school cafeteria.
Duelley said on Friday that the flood plain creates problems for the high school storage buildings and that they’re back to the drawing board for the project. They’re getting quotes for the high school cafeteria HVAC unit.
Warm Springs Middle School
Warm Springs Middle School Principal Jamie Harris asked the buildings and grounds committee for permission to get quotes on replacing carpet in the middle school’s media center and the main office area.
Harris also requested new school zone lights along Warm Springs Way. Duelley said that he is exploring upgrading all the school zone lights. They want to get them on an updated system that has in-house controls so the school system can set the timers for holidays. At present a third party controls the school zone lights, he said.
Widmyer Elementary
Duelley updated the committee on the safe school entry at Widmyer Elementary. The school’s Safe Schools entrance renovations with a redesigned office will take place this summer.
Warm Springs Intermediate
Warm Springs Intermediate School Principal Rebecca Huber and Maintenance Director Jeromy Duelley presented committee members with a quote for the cost of a gate for their front entrance.
Huber discussed an idea for an outdoor book library and will bring more information to the next meeting.
Huber also requested permission to get a quote for replacing the carpet in the intermediate school’s media center.
Paw Paw Schools
Duelley told committee members that the Paw Paw Schools shotput pit should be installed by the end of May/early June.
Duelley reported that the school’s long jump runway has been completed.
Athletics committee
The Morgan County Schools athletics committee also met on May 3 to discuss different projects and school sports, according to their minutes.
Maintenance Director Jeromy Duelley advised committee members that Warm Springs Middle School’s gymnasium floor would be sanded and painted beginning on June 12.
Duelley also said that the Paw Paw High School and Berkeley Springs High School gym floors will be screened and re-coated on June 15 and June 16.
Duelley and Tim Zeigler updated the athletics committee on the high school press box project that will occur this summer. The outside will be replaced with metal and the inside will also be replaced. They also reported that the high school batting cage is finished.