Five new sugar maples were planted along the new employee parking lot of Gat Creek in Berkeley Springs as part of the company’s recognition of Arbor Day. The trees were dedicated in the name of former employees of the local furniture manufacturer. Those honored included:
–Mary Moore, who worked in shipping from 1992-2019.
–Owen “Biggs” Harrison, who worked in shipping-driver from 2017-2022,
–Beverly Hovermale, who worked in shipping and then in the woodshop as a table builder from 1993 to 2016,
–Walter Miller, who worked in the woodshop for more than 20 years and
–Arthur Blomberg III, who worked in the front end of the woodshop from 2004 to 2020.
Company owner Gat Caperton talked with employees at the dedication ceremony, and then a company photograph was taken to show today’s crew next to the trees. Caperton said the photo will be repeated periodically to show crews over the years, and how the trees continue to grow next the furniture factory.
Gat Creek employees make modern furniture from four Appalachian hardwood species, and the company sells their 250 designs around the U.S. and overseas.

photos by Kate Shunney