Eight candidates seek five seats on council
by Trish Rudder
Ten people are running for the Bath Town Council election this year that will be decided on Election Day, Tuesday, June 13.
The candidate filing period closed April 12.
There are eight town residents running for five Bath Town Council seats for a two-year term that begins July 1.
The candidates are Rob Campbell, Rev. Bob Emerick, Thomas (Tom) Hall, Mary Lynn Hickey, Rebecca MacLeod, David O’Connell, Greg Schene and current councilwoman Elizabeth Skinner, who is running for reelection.
Mayor Scott Merki and Town Recorder Susan Webster are running unopposed for reelection to serve the Town of Bath for another two years.
Write-in candidate filings must be received at town offices by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18. The deadline for candidates to withdraw is Friday, April 28.
Early voting begins on May 20 and ends June 3. Election day in the Town of Bath is Tuesday, June 13.
The last day for residents inside the town limits to register to vote in this election is May 23.