School News

Pleasant View Elementary kids explore science, math and more

Carmen Winiarski, Morgan County Extension Office STEM educator, does the STEM activity Sink or Float with Pleasant View Elementary first graders in teacher Bridget Christie’s class. Winiarski had each student choose an object from a bag and predict whether it would sink or float. Kids watched the outcome and she explained the science behind it. Older students did a buoyancy activity.

Pleasant View Elementary students learned about empathy through generosity as they collected hats, socks, gloves and blankets for the Morgan County Homeless Coalition. The activity was part of the September Capturing Kids Hearts empathy theme. Social worker Amanda Knepper concentrates on one character trait a month with the program, said Principal Summer McClintock. Pictured are third graders Daniel Clarke, Madison Coffinberger, Bradly Farris and Matthew Mihalek.

Second grade Pleasant View Elementary teacher Charity Brinegar’s students were practicing math online on Sumdog, a math application. They were learning three digit numbers and their numbers to 1,000. Brinegar also said that her class had studied nocturnal animals and the sounds they make. Her class also created Rascally Raccoon stories.

Students in Pleasant View Elementary kindergarten teacher Casey Munson’s class practice math and reading on their iPad learning apps with Munson and aide Deadrah Martin. Munson said kids were working on their counting order, counting to five and their alphabet and letter sounds.

Reading interventionist Rebecca Miller works with several Pleasant View second graders on their reading words. The students were tasked with finding five more words that looked and sounded like the word “look.”

New Pleasant View Elementary Principal Summer McClintock is seen with some of the older students in the cafeteria. McClintock was a longtime fourth grade teacher at the school. Former Principal Keri Cunningham Chilcote resigned at the end of June 15. McClintock is also the elementary academic coach for Morgan County Schools.

