The Berkeley Springs-Morgan County Chamber of Commerce created the Apple Butter Festival Hall of Fame in 1998 to recognize the people who have devoted their time, energy, talents, and resources to making the festival what it is. The 2022 Hall of Fame members will be inducted at a luncheon on Wednesday, September 14, and are featured in the annual update to the Memory Book, along with their 76 fellow Hall of Famers. The luncheon, sponsored by U.S. Silica, will also recognize the sponsors whose support make the festival possible.
Jenna Hansroth The inaugural class of the Hall of Fame inducted 25. In each year since, additional people or organizations have been honored. The individuals being recognized this year were selected unanimously by the Chamber board from nominees proposed by the festival committee and community. They were chosen for making an invaluable contribution to the Apple Butter Festival at some time during its 47 year history. Jenna Hansroth – In 2017 when Jeanne Mozier announced she was retiring as the “Voice of the Apple Butter Festival” everyone wondered who could step up to the arduous task of emceeing Morgan County’s big two-day event. Hansroth knew she had big shoes to fill. Jeanne Mozier had been the “Voice” for umpteen years and her colorful customs, powerful lungs and enthusiasm were an unforgettable part of the festival.With Mozier as mentor, Hansroth took the job on with determination and energy. The Chamber will induct Jenna Hansroth as the Voice of the Apple Butter Festival for 2018 & 2019.
Mary Roach Mary Roach – No stranger to The Apple Butter Festival, Mary Roach has been attending the festival since 1993. She attributes falling in love with the Berkeley Springs and Morgan County community to the festival. Mary first purchased property in Morgan County in 2003, soon became a full-time resident, and has not looked back since. Roach says she has a passion for quilting, making over 200 quilts since she started to quilt in 2002. She has made four quilts for the Apple Butter Festival. Mary also assists with Quilts of Valor and has made 34 quilts for our veterans. A retired hairdresser, when not quilting Mary enjoys spending time with her cats. For more information call the Berkeley Springs-Morgan County Chamber of Commerce at 304-258-3738, go to apple-butter-festival.