Marilyn Jo George
Marilyn Jo George, 87, passed away Monday July 25, 2022. She was born on November 22, 1934 to the late Rymer and Fonda Starkey.
She graduated from Doddridge County High School in West Virginia in 1952, Salem University in 1957 with a major in art and a minor in English.
She taught at Tyler County Higåh School, Berkeley Springs High School and two elementary schools with a teaching career of 29 and a half years.
She was preceded in death by her parents and one sister Jean Craig.
She is survived by her husband Russell George; one sister Beth Davisson and several nieces and nephews.
A funeral service was held Saturday, July 30, at Trinity United Methodist Church with Pastor Cameron McGill and Reverend Barbara Cousar officiating. A graveside service was held Tuesday, August 2, at Harter Cemetery in Hannibal, Ohio. Townes Funeral Home, 215 West Main Street, served the George family.
Online condolences can be made at www.townesfuneral