
It’s Stacy: Healthy Eats — Strawberries


My Great Grandmother Arizona Henry loved fresh strawberries. Since my grandma couldn’t drive, we would get our neighbors Wilma and Kenny Hovermale to drive us to a strawberry farm. We would pick several flats of strawberries. I am sure my sister Lisa and I ate more than we picked, but it was lots of fun.

My grandma and Wilma worked together over the next couple of days making shortcake, pies, jams, and ice cream. Lisa and I spent most of our time eating those sweet, delicious berries. The strawberries picked off the vine are tastier than the ones bought at the grocery store.

Strawberries are delicious and a good addition to any healthy diet. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, folate, and potassium. They make an enjoyable, low-calorie, healthy snack.

March is National Nutrition Month. In celebration, I have shared my favorite salad recipe. National Nutrition Month promotes healthy eating and exercise. Good nutrition is the key to a healthier future.

     Strawberry Spinach Salad

     1 qt. fresh strawberries sliced

     ½ cup raw black walnuts

     ¼ cup chopped red onion

     8 oz. fresh baby spinach

     ¾ crumbled feta cheese

Place all salad ingredients in a bowl and then drizzle with strawberry balsamic vinaigrette dressing until leaves are moistened.

Stacy Schultz is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, a former Morgan County Commissioner and is the author of “It’s Stacy’s Grandma ‘Zona’s recipes.” She has been in healthcare for 35 years at War Memorial Hospital.

