by Geoff Fox
If you’ve driven by the site of Hancock’s new truck plaza in the last few days, you’ve noticed two new additions – the canopies for where the gas pumps will be located.
Site Superintendent Steve Wright of Cassnik Contracting said they were putting the gutters on the canopies Monday and some blocking started Tuesday.
Plumbing could also be finished by Friday. Next week could see concrete being poured.
Wright said the front canopy would be the one for regular vehicles and the one in the back would be the diesel pumps.
One thing that’s still in the early stages of discussions is the possibility of Main Street in that area being widen as to allow more turning into the plaza.
Wright said that still has to be finalized with Mayor Tim Smith before any work start there. When that happens, it wouldn’t be until March.
There haven’t been any delays with the recent snow and ice that have hit Hancock. Wright said he doesn’t expect any delays on the project.

The canopies for the gas pumps at the new travel plaza are up and getting the final touches added. The long canopy will be for passenger vehicles, while the shorter canopy in the back will be for diesel vehicles.