by Kate Evans
CNB CEO Mark Harrell and main Berkeley Springs CNB branch manager Ron Bittinger, Jr. proposed making a bank contribution of up to $25,000 to primarily fund a new scoreboard at the Berkeley Springs High School football stadium. Their proposal came at the February 1 Morgan County School Board meeting, which took place at the high school.
If the scoreboard cost is less than their donation, the rest of the money could go toward other stadium needs that could include lights and replacing the press box. CNB has sponsored several scoreboards over the years, Bittinger and Harrell said.
Bittinger, a former Berkeley Springs High School teacher, said he was approached by former county teacher Allan Keenan who had a letter from Berkeley Springs High School athletic director David Mundey about the high school stadium needs. He and Harrell wondered what they could do as a community bank to address those needs.
Scoreboard cost estimate
The bank researched scoreboard options, sizes and prices but those decisions would be up to the school board based on what size scoreboard the structural beams that are there will support.
Bittinger said that Mundey came up with a $25,000-$30,000 cost estimate for the scoreboard. However, the company that did the scoreboard for the gymnasium gave an estimate of under $25,000. The rest of the $25,000 CNB contribution could be used as needed at the stadium, they said.
CNB wants to make a sizable contribution as a number of groups use the stadium including football, baseball, soccer, cheer, peewee football and more, Bittinger said.
Proposed name change
Bittinger proposed that with the bank contribution the name of the high school stadium could be changed to Morgan Field at CNB Bank Stadium.
He suggested adding the name to an entrance sign by the entrance pillars to welcome people to the stadium.
Bittinger said that the press box had been an ongoing stadium need for ages. The press box keeps getting band-aids put on it, but it really needs to be replaced. CNB is looking to get their name on the press box too, he said.
School board president Aaron Close said that county schools need partners to beautify the school. He asked if board members were okay with the signage. No one objected.
Harrell said they were committed to a $25,000 contribution to the high school stadium and could help with the press box. He enjoyed the Berkeley Springs High School LSIC presentation and felt the teachers and administrators at the school are doing a wonderful job. It takes a village to raise kids, Harrell said.
Close said he looked forward to getting the project completed. The CNB proposal will be discussed by the Buildings and Grounds Committee at their February 10 meeting and will be brought back to the school board at a future meeting for a vote.