Members of the War Memorial Hospital Auxiliary chose Linda Jones and Penny Bohrer as their Volunteers of the Year for 2020. The pair would have been honored at the annual Community Volunteers breakfast and award event, which was cancelled by COVID.
Bohrer was further named the group’s Star for 2020, in recognition of her extensive contributions to the Auxiliary and the hospital. The Star would normally be honored at the lighting of the Points of Light tree in front of the hospital.

Linda Jones.
Linda Jones is a longtime member of the Hospital Auxiliary, who has shown her commitment to the hospital and community in numerous ways. Through Linda’s work as Chairman of the annual Card and game Party, she has helped raise funds to purchase equipment for the hospital and its patients. Jones’ constant work in the Auxiliary-run Hospital Gift Shop has filled in for other members and kept the shop running. Jones has served as Auxiliary Historian and Corresponding Secretary. She has done Community Outreach and worked on many hospital-sponsored events, including blood drives, car shows, the children’s Halloween party and decorating the Points of Light Tree of Honor. Jones is active in other community service as well.
Penny Bohrer is also a longtime Auxiliary member. She has been the group’s Treasurer for several years. She actively helps with the many

Penny Bohrer.
hospital-sponsored events, including blood drives, car shows, the children’s Halloween party and decorating the Points of Light Tree of Honor. Even if Bohrer can’t attend a certain hospital or Auxiliary function, she is known to send cookies or fudge anyway. Bohrer is also busy with other community endeavors.
The War Memorial Hospital Auxiliary raises funds and operates events in order to support the needs of the hospital and its patients.