
Traffic light planned near Widmyer intersection


A new four-way stop light is planned at Myers Road near Widmyer Elementary and the Dollar General store by the end of April or beginning of May, local school officials have said.

At their April 10 meeting, the Morgan County School Board approved a right-of-way request from the West Virginia Division of Highways for a small section of land on which to erect a post with a box and put in some wiring, said Morgan County Schools Maintenance and Transportation Director Jamie Harris.

Harris said the request for a proposed traffic light there has been made each year and has been shot down, but state monies have become available for the project. He and School Superintendent Erich May met with state transportation officials several weeks ago about the Division of Highway right-of-way request.

Harris said that crews had been at the site taking measurements for placement of the equipment and wiring.

May said at the school board meeting that the piece of land less than .05 acre for the right-of-way was basically a ditch in front of the Head Start building by the Widmyer Elementary sign.

The stop light will have timing changes for the bus rush like at Roy’s Service Center, May said.

Division of Highways officials could not be reached for more information about the project and its timeline.


