Sheriff K.C. Bohrer has been appointed by Governor Jim Justice to the
Governor’s Council on Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment as the board’s law enforcement representative.
Appointments to the board were made on January 2.
The 13-member council includes the state’s Secretary of the Department
of Health and Human Resources, the Secretary of Military Affairs and Public Safety, State School Superintendent Steven Paine, public health officials, addiction treatment experts and corrections officials.
“Law Enforcement plays a major role in the curtailing opioids and illegal drug activity. We are the ‘eyes on the street and boots on the ground’ so to speak, wherein we likely see the effects long before others do,” Bohrer said.
“It is gratifying to know that in recent years the Eastern Panhandle is being represented much better in Charleston than we were in years past. While this appointment is very new and I am not indoctrinated into the mission I hope that I can help the council to reduce the number of lives affected by this problem
statewide but more importantly here in the Eastern Panhandle,” Bohrer said in an email.
“We have all heard it said many times ‘we cannot arrest our way” out of this problem. It is true but those who profit from the pain and suffering of others need be arrested and prosecuted effectively,” Bohrer said.