
Registration for Christmas for Others starts soon

by Geoff Fox

The Christmas season is just around the corner and in Hancock, which means Christmas For Others is on its way as well.

The first registration date for Christmas For Others is November 5, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Hancock United Methodist Church. A second registration date is scheduled for Monday, November 12, as well.

To register, applicants must bring proof of need, which could be a paystub, Social Security, child support, or similar items.

There also needs to be a proof of address such as an envelope with your name and address listed.

Distribution day for Christmas For Others is scheduled for Friday, December 14.

Other dates included for Christmas For Others will be November 11 when the church food drive begins; December 3 when toys are delivered to the Community Center; December 8 for the Children’s Party at Hancock United Methodist Church from 12 p.m. until 1 p.m.; December 10 when coats and food are delivered to the Community Center; December 11 when sorting at the Community Center starts; and December 13 with food being packed for distribution.

Toy sponsors are asked to deliver their toys to Town Hall.

One change this year to Christmas For Others they will not be offering clothing to the clients.

Part of the reason for the change, Debbie Murphy said, was the hallway was clogged during the busy period they were distributing items.

For more information, contact Debbie Murphy at 301-678-5338.

