by Trish Rudder
West Virginia State Police Sgt. H.D. Heil, who is leading the investigation of a May 17 break in at Ridersville Cycle on Valley Road in Berkeley Springs, said on Tuesday, May 28 that police have firm leads on the identity of one of the suspects.
The man is believed to be out of Baltimore, Md. and is connected to the U-Haul that was stolen in Baltimore.
Ten to 12 suspects were shown on a security video inside the cycle shop.
Heil said after the break-in, the U-Haul truck fled Berkeley Springs, but the driver lost control in the area of Sand Mine Road.
The suspects fled the U-Haul and stole a U.S. Silica work truck from U.S. Silica grounds.
The stolen U.S. Silica work truck has not been found.
Heil believes the truck was abandoned by the suspects. The truck has “U.S. Silica” printed on the side of the truck.
“It will be found,” Heil said.
The Ridersville Cycle owners gave valuable evidence to the police and Heil said one suspect will be identified. He is working with Morgan County Prosecuting Attorney Dan James who has worked on similar crimes.
Heil said once the police get identification “we can go forward with charges.” The state police are working with Winchester and Baltimore law enforcement agencies who have worked on similar crimes.
“This is a multi-state investigation including Va., Md. N.J. and Pa. in addition to West Virginia,” he said.
Two stolen motorcycles valued at $17,098 were found in the U-Haul.
An inventory of the cycle shop showed two other dirt bikes valued at $19,199 were also stolen.