The annual Paw Paw Christmas parade will take place this Sunday, December 8 beginning at 4:30 p.m. Parade floats begin at Kimble Funeral Home and follow Winchester Street to the Bank of Romney. Parade entries will line up at 4 p.m. at the funeral home.
A costume contest by the Paw Paw Parade Committee will give out cash prizes to the top parade participants.
The Lights of Love tree ceremony will follow the parade and costume awards at the lot next to the Bank of Romney. The Lighthouse Assembly of God is hosting the ceremony.
Prior to the parade, a live nativity will be set up at the Veteran’s Monument starting at 4 p.m.
Cookie and cocoa stands will be set up at the intersection of Cinder Lane and Winchester Street, Church of Christ and Bank of Romney starting at 4 p.m.
Also at the bank, the Lighthouse Assembly of God will have a table set up to give a tote bag of supplies for anyone in need, including socks, hat, gloves and other items. This is a mission project for the church.