The Museum of the Berkeley Springs opens for the season on Saturday, March 21. The museum will be open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Museum boasts newly painted and repaired walls.
“We’re greatly appreciative that our second floor space was included in the renovation work being done by West Virginia Parks on the Historic Roman Bath House in Berkeley Springs State Park,” said Museum President, Jeanne Mozier. “Even though the baths downstairs are not yet open, our space is completed.”
On Sunday, March 22, the Museum hosts its annual meeting of members at noon. In addition to reports on operations of the past year and announcements of upcoming activities and new exhibits, members vote on three members of the Board of Directors.
The Museum’s opening is a centerpiece of George Washington’s Bathtub annual celebration in Berkeley Springs.
At 1 p.m. on Sunday, the Museum invites the public for the traditional talk about George Washington’s activities. Since this year is Morgan County’s Bicentennial, the lecture explores the relationship between Washington and the county’s namesake, Revolutionary War General Daniel Morgan.
“Although they were contemporaries, practically neighbors, and Morgan was Washington’s ‘winningest’ general, they had a complicated relationship,” said Mozier who is delivering the talk she titled “Where’s My Medal, George?”
Among the most popular Museum exhibits are the geology of the region and the rare 400-pound silica crystal, antique bathing suits, fires in the town, steamboat inventor James Rumsey and park bathhouses through history. The gift shop includes local books, West Virginia glass and other relevant items. To explore the Virtual Museum, check
Admission to the Museum is free although donations are encouraged.
Museum hours are Saturdays and Sundays 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. through the end of November with daily hours from mid-June through mid-August.
Group and special tours can be arranged by calling 304-258-9147 or 3738.

Museum of the Berkeley Springs.