
Hancock’s Harvest Festival this weekend; Crafts, music, medieval displays among the attractions

by Geoff Fox

Hancock in Motion and Hancock Parks and Recreation will be holding the first Hancock Harvest Festival along Main Street this Saturday from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.

There will be crafters, baked goods, face painting, organizations, vendors, and food for visitors to enjoy.

Local businesses will have stands or specials that day as well.

The Hancock Arts Council “Ally Gators” band will be playing music from the 1950s in Joseph Hancock Park at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Organizers suggest bringing a chair.

At 3:30 p.m., Hancock Parks and Recreation will be holding a Pumpkin Derby in the parking lot of the Hancock Veterans Memorial Library.

Medieval days

Also during the festival, Hancock Medieval Days will return to town to display historical reenactments of earlier times.

A medieval encampment stretching several centuries will be in Widmeyer Park. While the festival ends at 5 p.m., the medieval encampments will remain in the park and also have a presentation on Sunday, September 29.

A total of four time periods will be represented.

Das TeufelsAlpdrucken Fahnlein (The Devil’s Nightmare Regiment will portray the year 1529 when all of Italy had become a battlefield laid waste after eight long years of fighting.

Lord Grey’s Retinue, will depict Medieval Household Retinue members of Lord Henry Grey of Codnor in 1471 England during the “War of the Roses.”

La Belle Compagnie, the award-winning Living History group, will reenact the period of the Hundred Years War (1337 to 1453).

Njörðr’s Wanderers portray a typical Norse trading camp found around the seas of Northwest Europe between 800 and 1000.

La Belle Compagnie is returning to Hancock for the third time and Njörðr’s Wanderers returns for their second appearance as part of the historical productions.

This is the first appearance for Das TeufelsAlpdrucken Fahnlein and Lord Grey’s Retinue in Hancock.

Medieval Days are coming to Hancock this weekend, to coincide with Hancock’s Harvest Festival.

Njörðr’s Wanderers is one of four medieval groups coming to Hancock this weekend.

The camps will be set up in timeline order and there will be multiple interactive displays of how life was during medieval times.

Lord Grey’s Retinue will be part of Hancock Medieval Days this weekend in Widmeyer Park.

