by Geoff Fox
Washington County Commissioners on Tuesday, March 9, unanimously approved a $1.4 million project that would see numerous roads within the county receive a chip seal improvement.
Three roads in the Hancock area will be seeing work done on them starting in May.
Sandy Mile Road from Western Pike to the Pennsylvania Line, Creek Road from Sandy Mile Road to the Hancock Town Limits, and Pearre Road from Woodmont Road to Ziegler Road.
The contract for the project was awarded to Russell Standard Corp. of Fayetteville, Pennsylvania, for $1,197,220.53, which also includes the option to extend the contract for a period of up to two, one-year extensions.
The $1.4 million includes $100,000 for inspection/testing, $60,000 for 5% construction contingency, and $75,000 for asphalt adjustment costs.
The bid documents provide 80 consecutive calendar days to complete the work with an anticipated start date on or about May 17 and a completion date of August 4.
The documents also include Liquidated Damages in the amount of $500 per calendar day for work beyond the completion date and an option to extend the contract additional years.
Director Scott Hobbs of the Division of Engineering told county officials motorists may experience some minor delays as a result of lane closures but there are no major road closures associated with the project.