
Bain brings business back to Main Street

by Geoff Fox

AC Bain has been in the retail business since 1995 when he opened his first store at 47 East Main Street in Hancock. That store closed in 2000 after becoming a NASCAR and automotive die-cast store.

Now, after 18 years, Bain has returned to Main Street at 101 West Main Street where he sells a variety of items, but mostly flags from the military, states, and countries.

In 2000, Bain moved his business to Hagerstown where he picked up selling military merchandise and clothing.

However, he only stayed in Hagerstown for 11 years and closed his store to do various indoor and outdoor flea markets.

One of those flea markets was the Hancock Antique Mall where he had a booth until a few months ago.

On May 21, Bain opened his new store along Main Street and since re-opening, she said business has started to pick up with old customers coming in.

