The Morgan County Farmland Protection Board accepted a donated easement of 80 acres on October 25 from landowners interested in keeping the acreage in active farming use.
Landowners Robert Lin Dunham and Thomas and Sally Stuckey donated 80 acres into the Morgan County Farmland Protection Program.
Their donation makes a total of 17 easements totaling 1,210 of protected acres of farmland in Morgan County.
The WV Voluntary Farmland Protection Program was enacted in 2000 by unanimous vote of the West Virginia State Legislature.
This law has enabled the Morgan County Farmland Protection Board to develop a program adapted specifically to protect the agriculture lands of Morgan County.
The cornerstone of the program is the purchase or donation of conservation easements designed to provide stability for future agricultural enterprise.
Under the program, landowners agree not to develop farmland and to continue to keep the land in agricultural use.
Funding for the program comes from local land transfer fees, federal grants, special appropriations, and private donations.
If you are interested in additional information, please contact the Board Administrator, Ginger Johnson at 304-582-8125 or by email

Thomas and Sally Stuckey, front, donated an easement on their land to the Farmland Protection program. In the back row, from left, are attorney George McVey, donating landowner Lin Dunham and Ginger Johnson, Board Director of the Farmland Protection program.