Local Lifestyle

Paw Paw hosts annual Christmas parade & tree lighting

by Lisa Schauer The annual Paw Paw Christmas parade stepped off on Sunday, December 8, followed immediately by the community’s memorial Lights of Love Christmas tree lighting during a welcome day of mild weather. Weather cooperated with higher temperatures and sunny skies, as people lined Winchester Street, collecting candy along[Read More…]

Christmas flowers have a lasting beauty & a special history

by Kate Evans Flowering plants that have long been associated with the Christmas season can brighten your home at the holidays with their brilliant colors.  Some flowers have special symbolism while others derive their Christmas significance from legends or myths. Poinsettia The most well-known Christmas flower is the poinsettia, which[Read More…]

Holiday events, parades kick off season this weekend

Morgan County’s holiday events begin in earnest this weekend with several public celebrations. On Friday, downtown Berkeley Springs merchants will participate in the annual Cocoa Crawl. The public can visit local stores and sample unique flavors of hot chocolate provided by local businesses. Stores will be open late. The Cocoa[Read More…]

Mountain Musings — Thanksgiving thoughts

Thanks for everything by Kate Evans Every year I write a Mountain Musings column for Thanksgiving that’s filled with a long list of things for which I’m grateful.  Some are simple joys,  others deeper — but all inspire gratitude and wonder. Many themes are mentioned annually — thankfulness for the[Read More…]

