by Kate Evans
Morgan County Schools Superintendent David Banks said at the December 17 school board meeting that the county did not receive funding from the West Virginia School Building Authority for the roof replacement NEEDS Project that they submitted for the intermediate school, middle school and high school.
The cost of the Warm Springs Intermediate School roof replacement was an estimated $1,388,628, the Warm Springs Middle School roof replacement an estimated $2,229,465 and the Berkeley Springs High School Building A roof replacement an estimated $1,215,750 plus contingency costs.
The local match would have been 10% of total project including contingency costs. The roof leakage at the high school Building A is critical.
PEIA resolution
The school board voted 4-1 to approve a resolution urging the state of West Virginia-Governor and legislature, to stabilize the Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA) to prevent further cost increases and reduction of benefits, ensuring that the program remains affordable, sustainable and equitable for all public employees. School board president Aaron Close voted against the measure.
Amy Penner, president of the Morgan County Education Association, brought the resolution to the school board in hopes that stabilization of PEIA premiums and benefits would help with the retention of teachers and staff. All state counties were asking their county board of education to approve the resolution.
Close said that he had a different perspective on the resolution from being in the insurance business. He noted that the cost of health care has gone through the roof and felt it was a health care problem and not just a legislature problem. Close said he was reminded of how Workman’s Compensation became insolvent in West Virginia because it couldn’t raise premiums.
The school board approved pay application 8-A of $1,351.05 for the Morgan County Schools School Building Authority heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) replacement project at Berkeley Springs High School as approved by Williamson Shriver Architect.
The board authorized Superintendent David Banks to approve the payment of bills through January 7. The schedule of checks written will be provided to the board at the following meeting.
The school board held a second reading and adoption of the following policies at their December 17 meeting.
The policies adopted were 0155 Committees, 1662 and 3362 Anti-Harassment and Violence, 3120.12 Substitutes in Areas of Critical Need and Shortage, 4120.12 Areas of Critical Need and Shortage for Substitute Bus Operators, 5330 Use of Medications, 5530 Substance Abuse Prevention, 5500 Student Code of Conduct, 5600 Student Discipline, 5610 Exclusion from Classroom or School Bus, Suspension, and Expulsion of Students and 5722 School-sponsored Student Media.
The school board discussed bringing their concerns and issues about public education to area legislators through a letter of introduction. Board president Aaron Close had been working on getting the new legislators to meet with the school board but only Delegate George Miller and the Governor’s Regional Representative Daryl Cowles responded.
Concerns raised included House Bill 3035 and funding, retention of teachers, staff and administrators and behavior and discipline issues.
School Superintendent David Banks said that they need an alternative education system for grades k-12. He felt they should request an increase in the alternative education budget.
School board vice-president Laura Smith said she would work on a draft letter to the legislators and get it to other school board members.
Public, board comments
Mary Hansen has been active with the PASS program and praised the many benefits that the program held for students and volunteers. She hoped that the PASS program would continue in the schools now that county PASS coordinator Karen Whisner has retired.
Gray Jones, a CASA special advocate for abused and neglected children, also praised the PASS program. He wanted to see Morgan County Schools create an avenue to let community members know the different ways they can volunteer in the schools. There are many local residents that want to help, Jones said.
School board vice-president Laura Smith reported that Berkeley Springs High School hosted the Max Horz Wrestling Tournament and that the high school band held their Christmas concert.
School board president said that Biddy Buddy Basketball is in progress.