School News

School buildings & grounds, athletics committees review needs and project progress

by Kate Evans

The Morgan County Schools buildings and grounds committee met on September 25 and discussed a number of in-progress and new facilities projects, including county NEEDS projects and a possible new high school sports complex, according to their meeting minutes.

Morgan County Schools Assistant Superintendent Jeromy Duelley told the buildings and grounds committee that the carpet replacement project has been completed.

Duelley updated committee members on the status of two School Building Authority NEEDS project submissions.   Those projects include upgrades at Berkeley Springs High School and Widmyer Elementary heating, ventilation and air conditioning  (HVAC). A second project encompasses Warm Springs Middle School, Warm Springs Intermediate School and Berkeley Springs High School Building A roof replacement.

Duelley also discussed where things stand with the Morgan County Schools Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan (CEFP) priority list.

Duelley and Transportation Director Tammy Painter said that they’re working on replacing the caution light clocks. They are also waiting for a proposal from the architects on expanding the bus garage near Widmyer Elementary.

The building and grounds committee was also updated on the key/lock replacement project and a new work order system.

Berkeley Springs High School

Committee members discussed Morgan Field and the need for improvements there. Williamson Shriver Architects will be contacted for information on the total cost for a proposal for a new sports complex.

Middle school

Installing an exhaust system in the Warm Springs Middle School technology education room is in the works, said Assistant Superintendent Duelley. They’ve also installed a storage shed for bicycles.

Paw Paw Schools

New playground equipment had been installed at Paw Paw Elementary.  Quotes are being acquired to replace the concrete steps in front of Paw Paw High School.

Intermediate school

Duelley asked for permission to get quotes for replacing the Warm Springs Intermediate School storage shed roof.  The committee gave their approval.

Duelley and Widmyer Elementary Principal Rhett Beckman told the committee that they’re working on installing a sidewalk in the north playground at the school.

Athletics committee

The Morgan County Schools athletics committee also met on September 25 and discussed fall sports.  The committee discussed the need for an athletics fields groundskeeper and will be asking the school board to approve the position, according to their meeting minutes.

Berkeley Springs High School Assistant Principal Jason Smith told the committee that there are 133 fall athletes at the high school.  He said the partnership between Mythical Pizza and Berkeley Springs High School athletics is going very well. Smith also reported that there is new equipment that’s been installed in the concession stands.

Paw Paw Schools Principal Melinda Kasekamp reported that there are 26 total fall athletes at Paw Paw High School.  She said that all fall sports are going well and that Donovan Tanouaye is having a good cross country season. Kasekamp discussed the need for putting in a high jump practice area at Paw Paw High School.

Warm Springs Middle School Principal Jamie Harris said that there are 40 total fall athletes at the middle school.  All fall sports are having successful seasons.  Harris reported that the Warm Springs Middle School golf team had their second consecutive undefeated season.

