Treasurer’s Report
Andrea Duckworth submitted the treasurer’s report. The be- ginning balance for July was $13,826.81, with total income of $28.61 and expenses of $111.51, the ending balance for the month is $13, 743.91. For anyone who takes in a membership application ask if the new member is agreeable to sharing their personal information or if they would like to keep it private. Make a note of their response on the form. Duckworth is re- vising the membership application to include a check box as to whether or not the applicant wishes the information to be private or not.
Cemetery Update
Duckworth reported that Rick Unger has added four additional individuals in Greenway Cemetery for a total of 158. There were three deaths where the body was donated for science. An additional eight individuals in other cemeteries for a total of 646. A new listing for the War of 1812 was added with the addition of one individual. The total to date is 1,178 additional individuals identified.
Books and Publications
Lula Belle Robertson brought in a donation of a poster about the Vietnam Memorial from Chuck Hampe and a copy of Tommy Swaim’s Memories of 84 Years “On this Good Earth.”
Received four original postcard photos of the Cacapon River Bridge, of Great Cacapon that was washed away by the flood in 1936. Added to photo archives.
Sold thumb drive with War Memorial and The Pines files. Compiled the obituaries for July 2023.
Morgan County Expo Update
Barbara Zimmerman reported that $73 was received in donations, including one new membership. There were 55 people who stopped by the booth. A number of books were given out to people who offered donations for the books. Duckworth suggested that the group offer a formal thank you to Terry Golden and Zimmerman for the well-designed booth.
Grand Opening of the Berkeley Springs Depot
Zimmerman informed the group that Susan Webster from the Town of Bath welcomed the MCHGS to participate in the Grand Opening of the renovated Depot on November 11. The Town is coordinating with the American Legion to make sure the events complement each other. More details will be pro- vided when they are available.
New Business
Mistie McPadalin, a visitor at the Morgan Room recently, is looking for contact information for the person or persons who maintain records for Mt. Tabor UM cemetery. No one attending the meeting was aware of a contact, but it was suggested that Rick Unger be contacted to see if he had any contacts. Barbara Zimmerman will follow up with Unger.
Fred Widmyer said he has discussed with the Library Director, Sarah Drennan, the possibility of purging some of the surplus materials that the Society maintains on the shelves in the main library. The group learned that although there were some materials belonging to the MCHGS on the inside shelf, the majority of the materials belonged to the library. Some of the books moved from the Morgan Room have been mingled with the Library’s collection. Widmyer will meet with Harold Michael to see if these materials have been digitized and if so, will coordinate with the library to recycle materials that are duplicates or no longer needed. Robertson mentioned that some of the materials that included pictures may be recycled to nursing home residents who like looking at magazines.
The next regular meeting of the MCHGS will be held Tuesday, September 12. Meetings are held at the First United Methodist Church, 49 South Green Street, Berkeley Springs.