Morgan County Starting Points named three individuals as “Whirlwinds of Change” for their work preventing child abuse and creating community assets to strengthen local families during the annual Partners in Prevention breakfast on April 5.
Starting Points director Audrey Morris recognized Amber Guthrie, Cynthia Robertson and Jamie Hedrick for their unique contributions to the cause of preventing child abuse locally.
Guthrie, Assistant Principal of Paw Paw Schools, was praised for her willingness to partner with multiple agencies to offer family-centered activities and support community-building efforts in Paw Paw.
Robertson, who leads the trauma-informed work of Starting Points, was recognized for educating the local community and partner agencies about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and how they affect children’s physical and mental health throughout life. Robertson is also taking the lead educating partners about Positive Childhood Experiences (PACEs) – the experiences that help child grow and learn in a health way into adulthood.
Hedrick was praised for her work covering Morgan County’s needs relating to Child Protective Services as the county remained without a full-time CPS worker until very recently.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and local partners in prevention are displaying signs and blue pinwheels to show their support for health families and protecting children.