Thursday, November 10
10 a.m. – All about Bears. How fast do black bears run? What did I do if I see a bear? Join park naturalist to learn some bear facts and impor- tant ways to help keep them wild.
1 p.m.- Woodpecker Wow. Learn about their adaptations and how to identify them by sight and sound.
Friday, November 11
10 a.m. – The CCC Boys: A West Virginia Legacy. The CCC boys left a legacy that can still be enjoyed all over WV in the forests they planted and parks they helped to build. Thirty minute film.
1 p.m. – Spirit of Cacapon. Meet at the Nature Center to take a short walk and discover how the CCC boys…the Civilian Conservation Corps… left its mark on Cacapon.
7:30 p.m. – Campfire on North Lodge Outdoor Patio. Drop by to warm up by the fire and chat with park naturalist and park volunteer to get the weekend update. Feel free to ask questions about the park.