
Two write-in candidates qualify for district races

Two candidates have qualified to be write-in choices on the November ballot in Morgan County. Their names will not be printed on ballots here, but will be posted at each voting precinct as viable options to place in the “write-in” portion of the general election ballot. Robert B. Wolford of Points (Hampshire County) is running as an Independent for the 89th House of Delegates district. That district includes western Morgan County and parts of Hampshire County. Wolford qualified as an official write-in candidate on June 30, according to the West Virginia Secretary of State’s candidate listings. He is challenging Republican Darren Thorne of Romney. Thorne beat longtime Republican incumbent Ruth Rowan (R-Hampshire) during the party primary in May. Wolford is campaigning as an independent candidate working for the best interest of populist voters. Another Hampshire County candidate has joined the race for the 15th Senatorial district, challenging Charles Trump (R-Morgan) for his seat in the State Senate. Robin Mills of Delray qualified as a write-in candidate running in the Upwising WV party, which he founded with others. He qualified as a candidate on July 28, according to the Secretary of State’s office.  Mills in the past has run for office promoting recycling programs and clean energy. He is campaigning on a platform of giving voters a different choice than incumbent Trump. Candidates have to secure a qualifying number of signatures on a candidacy petition to be certified as a write-in.

