
Hancock library reopens as county libraries let patrons browse again

by Geoff Fox

The Washington County Free Library system has reopened to the public allowing patrons to browse stacks for library materials, computer use, and other limited in-person services during modified business hours.

The main system opened yesterday, Tuesday, February 16. Hancock Veterans Memorial Library reopened today, February 17.

Computers and browsing will be available without an appointment, but properly fitting masks over the nose and mouth will be required in the library building at all times.

Time inside the building is limited to one hour, though.

Lobby table pick-up will also be available for those who request it and for those who can’t or prefer not to wear a mask, the library will offer outside pick-up by appointment.

The Hancock Veterans Memorial Library will be open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. and Fridays 12 p.m. until 5 p.m.

A full listing of hours at other library locations in Washington County is available at

Library officials have said a limited number of patrons will be allowed to enter library buildings and some areas of the building are “staff only” at this time.

Per Washington County Free Library guidelines, patrons to the library over the age of five must wear coverings that completely cover the mouth and nose at all times and practice social distancing in all branches.

“Public printing and technology assistance from library staff processes have been adjusted wherever possible to limit exposure to frequently touched surfaces and maintain social distancing,” officials said in a release.

Countywide, returns will only be accepted through book drops and all returned items are quarantined for 48 hours before going back into circulation as recommended by the Maryland Department of Health.

If you have any questions, you can call the Hancock Veterans Memorial Library at 301-678-5300 during regular hours.

