
Fireworks to light up the sky for National Night Out

by Geoff Fox

On Tuesday, August 7, Hancock in Motion will partner with the Hancock Police Department to present the annual National Night Out in Widmeyer Park, and for the third year in a row, fireworks will be closing the event.

Officials unanimously voted to have the fireworks, but it didn’t come without discussions.

The cost of the fireworks is going to run the town $7,500 for the display. That money would be coming from the fines levied by the traffic camera.

Optotraffic income is not a budgeted item, Town Manager David Smith said.

When the idea was first brought up for discussion, the thought was the money could be put to better use, such as the pool.

However, the money from the traffic camera has to be used for police related expenses.

Smith said the there is over $12,000 in the Optotraffic account from the last fiscal year.

Police Chief Rich Miller said he is supportive of the fireworks because other agencies come to Hancock’s event because they of the fireworks.

