by Trish Rudder
School supplies are needed for pre-K to college level students, said Morgan County Parks & Recreation director Dawn Beal, who is looking for donations from the community for the needed supplies.
At the July 2 Bath Town Council meeting, Beal said Parks & Rec is partnering with the Morgan County Partnership, Starting Points and Citizens National Bank, and the event will be held inside this year at the Warm Springs Middle School on August 9 from 5 to 7 p.m.
This is the fifth year for the community Back to School Bash, Beal said, to provide families some financial relief of buying the needed school supplies for the upcoming school year.
Organizations will be on hand to provide information, including the Morgan County Starting Points, Morgan County Partnership, Morgan County 4-H, Morgan County Soccer League, Morgan County Tennis Association, the local Girl Scouts and more, she said.
People can donate a check or donate supplies, and the supply lists for Kindergarten-Second Grade, Third-Fifth Grade and Sixth-12th Grade will be posted on the Morgan County Parks & Recreation social media page and will be printed in The Morgan Messenger, Beal said.
She said more than 400 kids with their families attended the “Bash” last year and about $2,800 was donated. Items donated were back packs, pencils, pens, paper, crayons, colored pencils, highlighters, erasers, glue sticks, scissors, pencil boxes, dry erase markers, folders and notebooks.
Donation checks can be made out to Morgan County Parks & Recreation (with “Back to School Bash” noted on the check) and mailed to 77 Fairfax Street, Berkeley Springs WV 25411. For more information, call Beal at 301-331-8400.
Councilman Chris Chapman suggested the town make a donation this year.